Ski toured in the Western Wallowas today around Burger Butte. Dug one pit at 7,900' on a NW aspect. The solstice rain crust (SRC) was down 110 cm or just over 3'. I didn't have any reactivity on the SRC or November Facets. Our group still elected to stay off slopes greater than 32 degrees and avoid trigger points, (rocks, trees). There was about 4" of new snow, which provided some soft turns.
Overcast and obscured skies today for the most part. A couple breaks in the fog. Winds were calm, temperatures were below freezing. We did not find the 1/12 rain crust above 7,900'.
Dug a pit on 7,900'. Had some sudden planar results in the upper 2' of the snowpack on density changes. The clear cold nights over the past couple days are producing sugar snow (facets) in the upper snowpack.
Our group stuck to terrain less than 32 degrees, and avoided trigger points (rocks, trees). We avoided convex rolls and stuck to well supported slopes. We used the Status Quo Mindset.