Eastern Oregon Backcountry Festival-Bid on the Online Auction Now!!!

Join us for the 13th Annual Eastern Oregon Backcountry Festival January 31-February 2nd.

  • Jan. 31: Ski Film and Pie Auction @HQ in La Grande.  Doors open 6:00 PM Adults $10, Kids $5.  Come watch the new Matchstick Film Calm Beneath Castles and bid on pies and other desserts.  If you would like to bring a dessert for the auction please arrive at 6:00 PM.
  • Feb. 1: Kip Rand Backcountry Race (Anthony Lakes) Race starts at 8 AM, show up at 7:45.  Companion Rescue Clinic 10 AM, Snow Pack Obs Clinic 1 PM.  Live music by Wanderlust 3:30 PM Main Lodge with raffle.  (You must show up 15 min early for clinics and race at EOBF tent on S. Side of Rental shop.)
  • Feb 2: Tour with WAC Staff:  Ski tour into Angell Basin to better understand how to safely travel in avalanche terrain.  Please consider purchasing raffle tickets, bidding on an auction item, or donating $50 to the Wallowa Avalanche Center if you are planning to attend this tour.