Awesome two days of skiing in Big Sheep Basin (1/9-1/10) at and below 8000'. North slopes were well preserved in trees and just below ridge-tops. Our group avoided the windslab problem on slopes greater than 35*. the 1/7 snowfall was bonding well to the 1/6 rain/warming event. Hand shears and skier tests showed good bonding and so did our pit;
1/9/21, 7090', ENE, 32*: CT12RP down 22, CT20RP down 44, ECTN22 down 22.
Advanced Observations
Observed Avalanche Problem #1:
Wind Slab
Wind slab development was observed as low as 6500' on the E 1/2, resulting from winds evening of 1/9. It was un-reactive to ski cuts on unsupported slopes. Slab was 5cm or less at 6500', 10-20cm at treeline. Slab was 1 finger resistant above fist preserved precip particles from 1/7 snowfall.